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Summer SALE | 15% off all Nugsmasher products | Price drops on trimmers and more | SHOP NOW
How To Find The Best LED Grow Light For You In 2022

How To Find The Best LED Grow Light For You In 2022

calculate how many led grow you need for you cannabis grow

There are too many choices!

How do you find the best LED grow light for weed (or any other plant), when there are so many options available?

And every brand provides different information. And it's usually incomplete and often misleading.

Of course you're finding it hard to choose the best LED light to fill your needs.

We do this for a living and it took us forever to research this guide. We spent weeks sifting through the different specs and features and making sense of it all.

That's why most people end up with the wrong light.

Due to information overload, they decide based on one of the following factors:

    1. It's cheap
    2. Misleading specifications (like really high "PAR" or listed wattage)
    3. It's a well-known brand
    4. Someone they trust recommends it

But all of those ignore the most important factor: your needs.

Just because a light looks good on paper, that doesn't mean it can actually grow.

And just because a light works great for your friend or for that famous YouTube grower, doesn't mean it will work for you.

Your garden is unique and you need a light that is right for your specific situation.

The good news: there's a solution. READ ON HERE.

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